- Introductory Game of World War 2 (3W - 1991)
Game covers the European theater of WWII at a grand strategic scale, each land unit
represents an army or army group.
21 seasonal game turns, beginning Fall 1939, ending with Fall 1944.
One 11" x 17" map, a 4-page rule booklet, 1 chart, 80 counters.
Turn Link Index
Pre-game setup, 1939
Fall, 1939
Winter, 1939-40
Spring, 1940
Summer, 1940
Fall, 1940
Winter, 1940-41
Spring, 1941
Summer, 1941
Fall, 1941
Winter, 1941-42
Spring, 1942
Summer, 1942
Fall, 1942
Winter, 1942-43
Spring, 1943
Summer, 1943
Fall, 1943
Winter, 1943-44
Spring, 1944
Summer, 1944
Fall, 1944