2w43suax.JPG (21430 bytes)Summer 1943 Axis turn:

The Axis continue to organize their defenses on all fronts. German armies withdrawn from the eastern front move to reinforce France and the Reich against the Allied buildup in the UK.




2w43sual.JPG (23170 bytes)Summer 1943 Allied turn:

The Soviets attack again in the north and south. The 1st tank army is destroyed in another effort to retake Leningrad, but the Germans lose the 4th panzer army, leaving the German 15th army holding the city. To the south, the German line holds against the continued Soviet push in the Ukraine.

Elsewhere, the Free French army is moved to Italy to increase the pressure on the two Italian armies defending east of Rome, but the attack is again halted in the mountains. The British airborne corps takes Corsica to complete their Mediterranean island hopping campaign.

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