1944 Axis turn:
The Axis counter-attack in Italy to turn back the Allied forces closing in on Rome. The
effort fails with the loss of an Italian army.
Elsewhere, the 6th panzer army is pulled out of the Ukraine and moved north to reinforce
Leningrad. The 3rd panzer army is sent to Yugoslavia to prevent a British back door attack
through the Balkans.
1944 Allied turn:
D-Day. Three armies - two American and one British - and the British airborne corps, land
in France.
Elsewhere, the Allies launch the first assault on Rome to take Italy out of the war. Both
sides lose an army and the Axis continue to hold the city. On the eastern front, a Soviet
offensive in the north retakes Leningrad, while pressure on the center forces the Germans
to retreat to within one hex of the original Polish border.
Main Page Historical Games Page 2WW Page Last Turn: Winter 1944 Next Turn: Summer 1944