2w43faax.JPG (21524 bytes)Fall 1943 Axis turn:

In the west, the SS hold Rome as the Axis await D-Day.

Elsewhere, casualties on the eastern front begin to mount. The 9th army is moved to reinforce Leningrad, leaving the 10th army the only remaining reserve there.




2w43faal.JPG (22816 bytes)Fall 1943 Allied turn:

Soviet pressure on the north and south flanks continues. Another bloody battle at Leningrad costs each side an army, but the Germans still hold on to the city. In the Ukraine, the Germans are pushed back one hex.

Elsewhere, the Italian defenses begin to buckle as an all-out Allied attack finally takes the mountain hex east of Rome. The British airborne corps is moved to southern England where it joins four American and one British army, and all three Allied fleets.

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