1942 Axis turn:
The Germans make their move on Moscow. First, in an effort to protect the left flank of
the forces attempting to take the capital, four armies and one air unit hit the Soviet
"East" front defending north of the city. The stalwart siberians stop the attack
cold. Despite this, the assault on Moscow goes forward with one panzer, three infantry
armies and one air unit are launched against the fortified capital defended by two Soviet
fronts and an air unit. The Russians don't budge and the entire Moscow operation fails. In
a subsidiary thrust in the southern USSR, the Germans cross the Kerch strait into the
Taman peninsula and smash the 1st tank army, but can't unhinge the "South" front
from its position at Rostov on the Sea of Azov.
The Italians withdraw all their units from the eastern front and return them home to
defend Rome.
1942 Allied turn:
With the arrival of four new army groups (fronts) the Soviets are strong enough to conduct
a limited offensive and launch three fronts (West, Kiev, and South) and their air unit
against the hex with the two German 4-8 panzer armies. The Germans retreat and the Kiev
front gains the hex. The "North" front is sent above lake Ladoga in a move to
get around the German lines by going through Finland. (Not pictured - above the upper left
corner of image)
Elsewhere, a British army marches from Egypt through Palestine and occupies Syria. Two
additional British armies land in North Africa - one in Algeria, the other in Libya and
takes Tripoli.
The United States enters the war on the Allied side.
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