1942 Axis turn:
One last heave to achieve victory in the east before the gathering storm in the west
breaks. Seven German armies and the entire luftwaffe is concentrated into two attacks in
the Moscow sector. The first phase of the offensive opens with the Soviet "East"
front north of the capital again the target of a thrust by three armies and two air units
with the objective of clearing the left flank for the main attack on Moscow. The siberians
again stonewall the Germans. Undaunted, the main effort by four armies and the remaining
air unit is then launched against the dug-in Moscow defenders. The fortifications are
destroyed but the Soviets still hold the capital.
1942 Allied turn:
The Soviets conduct another limited offensive with three fronts which drives the German
15th army into Leningrad and isolates the 4th panzer army in Finland.
Elsewhere, the Canadian 1st and British 8th armies invade Sicily.
Main Page Historical Games Page 2WW Page Last Turn: Spring 1942 Next Turn: Fall 1942