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Game Turn 3

Sauron Turn

In the center, Goblins and Wargs take on the Dwarves. Goblin arrows pepper the Dwarves without effect. Baldrim's unit is meleed and retreats. Wargs fail to dislodge the Dwarves on the hill. (image at left)

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Wargs on the east flank hit the heavy cavalry head-on, inflicting losses on one, and driving back another. (image at right)




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Alliance Turn

In the center, the full weight of Men and Dwarves falls on the Goblins and Wargs, slaughtering all but one Goblin unit. Gorgol is slain by the Dwarves.   (image at left)


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The east wing cavalry scatters the Wargs, while Isildur moves to rally the disrupted units.  (image at right)



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