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Alliance Setup

The Alliance forces (blue units) set up on the northern half of the map. (the top of the map is oriented north)
East wing - Human cavalry with some footmen, led by Isildur.
West wing - Human footmen and bowmen, led by Anarion.
Center - Spearheaded by Dwarves, led by Baldrim. Followed immediately by the remainder of the human host, led by Elendil, who carries the magic sword Narsil.

Off map and arriving on game turn 2 - the Elven army, led by Cirdan and Elven King Gil-galad, who carries the magic spear Aiglos.

sau00sau.jpg (17524 bytes)Sauron Setup

Sauron's forces (red units) set up on the southern half of the map. (the Gates of Mordor can be seen near the bottom center of the map)
The Goblins, led by Gorgol, form the front line. Wargs are positioned on the road between the Goblins and the Gates of Mordor.

Orcs, trolls, slaves, and Sauron himself enter the game piecemeal throughout the battle, from inside Mordor.



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